Friday, December 15, 2006

New Armenian Lobby

Some news going around about the new Armenian Amerian lobby group by Cafesjian and Vartian (formerly the ED of the Assembly). Interesting, I tried to wrap my mind around it for a while:

1-Do we need another one? Probably not, but I suppose it won't hurt to add another voice in DC. The more groups there are, the better we can have our voice heard.

2-Is this divisive? Well, considering that Cafesjian is a member of the Assembly board and Vartian is the former ED, it seriously brings up some concerns. I'm sure the Assembly is a bit bewildered about this.

3-What are the motives? The fact that Assembly members (past and present) decide to split and form their own organization needs an explanation. Do they want power? Fame? Regardless of the intentions, I still see this move benefiting Armenians due to the increase in voice.

4-Ross Vartian-Man this guy came out of nowhere, wasn't expecting him to show up again. It's good to see him back in action though. I admire his efforts in establishing strong relations with the Republic of Armenia during his tenure with the Assembly. It's good to see Armenian organizations consulting the government of Armenia, will this new organization follow the trend? I hope.

Ultimately I'm stuck between two points to this issue. Either it's too divisive or it will add another dimension to the Armenian lobby. What does this organization have to offer that the ANC and Assembly lack? Perhaps Arman can provide an explanation (this is your cue to comment!)


Arman said...

Dude I am not much into the bullshit politicking of Armenian parties and their lobbies in DC. In my opinion they should ALL be concerned ONLY about what is good for Armenia, and not fight over stupid ideological stuff that does not even matter. Unfortunately from what I read the Assembly in the past did provide favors to White House that potentially were harmful to the security of Armenia, but I am sure the Dashnaks did this too it just did not make it into the newspapers.

Well from what I understand Cafesdjian has bonded with the current Armenian gov. pretty well; they have a big presence in the center of Yerevan, they have a TV channel, and also they won the tender for ArmenFilm while paying the least for it (there were three parties interested in it IF I am not mistaken), so I am THINKING that they might want to create a lobby that is like the Assembly but does not report to the White House as much as the Assembly does. I could be wrong but that is one way of looking at it.

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