Monday, June 05, 2006

World Cup and Paul Krekorian

Ok so I haven't been blogging and Arman has been bugging me to post something so I'll give you all a brief catch up with my life.

I'm almost done with finals, and I will be leaving for DC on the 18 via redeye flight (yippie). I eagerly await the arrival of the World Cup, I'll be rooting for Argentina, Brazil, and any other nation in the Americas (except USA, go Iran!) and African region, screw Europe. I figure, the rest of the world always gets nothing in politics, so at least let them have their glory in international sports. Arman will be rooting for Italy, I'm surprised he is actually cheering for a country that isn't Armenia. I'd expect him to at least root for Czech Republic since he lived there, what's the deal Arman? Now if only Belarus was competing...

I finally saw the Xmen movie, crap.. I'll save you the lengthy review. Other than that, I have a week to do nothing, but tomorow I'll be volunteering for Paul Krekorian. Ironically, I was at my history department's banquet last saturday and overheard two professors talking about the Krekorian/Quintero race. Now I doubt they live in the district, and for that reason it is quite interesting to see that this campaign has been making some noise. A lot of dirty playing going around so I am not surprised... politics... Anyways, I encourage the readers of this blog to check out his website and if you are qualified to vote for him (live in Glendale, North Hollywood, and Burbank) I encourage you to do so.

Good luck to Paul :)


Anonymous said...

Paul Krekorian WON!!!!!! Just take a look at the list of donors for quintero's campaign. Can you believe all those armenians donated to an anti-armenian campaign. Raffi's place donated money to Quintero. That sucks. Think about it when you go there, if you ever do, again.

Anonymous said...

Paul Krekorian WON!!!!!! Just take a look at the list of donors for quintero's campaign. Can you believe all those armenians donated to an anti-armenian campaign. Raffi's place donated money to Quintero. That sucks. Think about it when you go there, if you ever do, again.

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is thank you to all those who came to help, and the next time someone doubts what power Armenians have when united, Paul's and Raffi Manoukian's election in 1999 are examples of what we can do when we come together.

Anonymous said...

hi ... i liked your weblog . and i have an Armenian weblog , and if u link to my weblog i link to your weblog 2 ...
my url :
thanks , Ara Ohanian

Drew Norris said...

Lovedd reading this thank you